31-36. The Role of Impacts on the Evolution of the Atmosphere and Biosphere with Regard to Short- and Long-Term Changes, pp. 1982. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v. 240, pp. 365-368. Pokhilenko said his institute is planning to send an expedition to the crater in cooperation with Russia's state-controlled diamond mining company Alrosa. Masaitis, V. L., Raikhlin, A. I., The Popigai crater formed by the impact of common chondrite (in Russian). 1994. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, v 33, n 4, p A90 - 91. 1982. Astronomicheskii Vestnik, v. 10, pp. 2000. Compare the size of countries, regions and cities. A109, 2004, Vichnevsky, S.A., Gibsher, N.A., Pal'chik, N.A. Meteoritika, v. 44, pp. 1989. Masaitis, V. L., Raikhlin, A.I. Masaitis, V. L., The morphology and sub-surface structure of terrestrial meteorite craters and astroblemes (in Russian). 4th International Workshop of the ESF Scientific Network on "Impact Cratering and Evolution of Planet Earth". Deino, A. L., Montanari, A. and Vishnevsky,S., 40Ar/39Ar dating of glass from the Popigai impact crater, Russia (abstract). Hough, R. M., Masaitis, V.L., Gilmour, I. and Pillinger,C.T., Diamond and silicon carbide at the Ries and Popigai impact craters (abstract). The new age, which is later than other estimates, means the Eocene extinction — long blamed on climate change — now has another prime suspect: an "impact winter." 1982. 752-764, 2010, Vichnevsky, S.A., Gibsher, N.A., Water inclusions in lechatelierite from impact fluidizites of the Popigai astrobleme, Doklady Earth Sciences, v. 409, pp. Vishnevsky, S., Afanas'ev, V., Koptil, V. and Montanari,A., Popigai distal ejecta deposits: Evidence by the strewn field of impact diamonds (abstract). 1972. Huge impact crater about 90 km in diameter. Ryabenko, V. A., Val'ter, A. Pilkington, A., et al., Geophysics and petrophysics of the Popigai impact structure, Siberia, Impacts in Precambrian shields, pp. 41-43. Ivanov, B.A., Numerical modeling of the largest terrestrial meteorite craters, Solar System Research, v. 39, pp. 28-31. Vishnevsky, S. A., Suevites of the Popigai astrobleme: Some paradoxes and pseudosecondary relationships (in Russian). Phelps, A. W., Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of Microdiamonds from the Popigai Crater, LPSC XXVIII, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX, Part 3, p 1101 (CD-ROM). 2. 715-733, 2006, Vichnevsky, S.A., et al., The Popigai "fluidizite" dykes: New data on their mineralogy and petrology, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, v. 39, pp. 82-90. 1975. 102-106. Impactor is thought to have been betweeen 5 km and 8 km in diameter. Yakovlev, O. I., Parfenova, O. V., Petrochemical features of impactites and the significance of evaporation and condensation processes in impact crater formation (in Russian). 11, P. 2877 - 2889. Large resources of industrial impact diamonds were discovered, and these minerals were studied in detail. Shock Wave Behaviour of Solids in Nature and Experiments, Limoges, France. If you would like to participate, you can choose to edit this article, or visit the project page for more information. Pilkington, M., Pesonen, L.J., Grieve, R.A.F. and Selivanovskaia,T.V., Popigai Basin-an explosion meteorite crater (in Russian). 1977. Lunar and Planetary Science XXII, pp. 530. 1994. 85-94. 39-46). Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v. 194, pp. Geology, v. 24, pp. Vishnevsky, S. A., Pospelova, L. N., The fluid regime of impactites: Dense inclusions in highly siliceous glasses and their petrologic significance (in Russian). Selivanovskaya, T. V., Suevites of Nordlingen Ries crater and their analogues in the Popigai meteorite crater (in Russian). Fel'dman, V. I., Sazonova, L.V. 91-101. Bottomley, R. J., Grieve, R., York, D. and Masaitis,V., The age of the Popigai impact event and its relation to events at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. Koeberl, C., Masatitis, V.L., Shafranovsky, G.I., Gilmour, I., Langenhorst, F., Schrauder,M., Diamonds form the Popigai Impact Structure, Russia, Geology; Nov. 1997; v. 25; no. Popigai impact crater, Taymyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky District, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia : 35 Ma age (Eocene). The Role of Impacts on the Evolution of the Atmosphere and Biosphere with Regard to Short- and Long-Term Changes, p. 163-164. J. Plado and L. Pesonsen). Meteoritika, v. 40, pp. Whitehead, J., Grieve, R.A.F., Spray, J.G., Mineralogy and petrology of melt rocks from the Popigai impact structure, Siberia, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, v. 37, pp. Dabizha, A. I., Fedynsky, V. V., The Earth's "star wounds" and their diagnosis by geophysical methods (in Russian). 27-28. 1980. 673-676. This impact crater is 62 miles or 100 km across making it one of the largest impact craters found on earth. 1976. and Selivanovskaia,T.V., The Popigay meteorite crater (in Russian). Problemy Petrologii, pp. Note the variety of colors, sizes, shapes and textures within a single mass - the result of a major meteorite impact which threw millions of tons of rock into the air. 1191-1193. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium, Mineral Resources of Russia, pp. 2003. 69, No. and Pal'chik,N.A., Stishovite in rocks of the Popigay structure (in Russian). All-Union Scientific Research Institute, Leningrad, USSR, 82 Meteoritical Society, pp. Vichnevskii, S.A., The Popigai astroblema, a possible site for our geological heritage: characteristics and aspect, problems and ideas for conservation, Memoires - Societe Geologique de France, v. 165, pp. Gurov, E. P., Gurova, E. P., Location and diagnosis of impact structures on the Siberian platform (in Russian). Dabizha, A. I., Ivanov, B. Litologiya i Poleznye Iskopayemya, v. 1, pp. 1998. 1997. 1971. Geologtiya i Geofisika, v. 16, pp. Masaitis., A comparative study of impact diamonds from the Poigai, Ries, Sudbury, and Lappajarvi craters. 125-133. Meteoritika, v. 42, pp. Grieve, R. A. F., Masaitis, V. L., The economic potential of terrestrial impact craters. 160-167. Meteoritics, v. 30, pp. Raikhlin, A. I., Danilin, A.N., Kozlov, V.S. Popigai crater is one of the 10 biggest impact craters on Earth, and in 2012, Russian scientists claimed the crater harbors a gigantic industrial diamond deposit. 1976. 1997. Geological Society of America Special Paper 293, pp. Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution,. 1977. Lunar and Planetary Science XX, pp. 107-112. Stecher, O., Ngo, H.H., Papanastassiou, D.A., Wasserburg, G.J. Vonhof, H. B., Wijbrans, J. and Smit,J., The Popigai impact crater: 40 Ar/39Ar dating and its expression in the 87Sr/86Sr record of the Massignano section (abstract). 609-618, 2010. Meteoritika, v. 36, pp. Masaitis, V. L., Gnevushev, M.A. Mashchak, M. S., Selivanovskaya, T. V., Breccia and impactites of the southeastern rim of the Popigai astrobleme (abstract). Springer, Heidelberg-Berlin. Vishnevsky, S., The major reconstruction of the river net in the vicinity of the Popigai crater: Caused or impact (abstract)? 1987. 254. Masaitis, V. L., Raikhlin, A.I. Vishnevsky, S. A., Dolgov, Yu.A., Kovaleva, L.T. Meteoritika, v. 40, pp. Yu., Kuznetsov, O.L. Friedrich von Hassell[src] The Popigai Crater is one of the largest impact craters on Earth. 1992. 665-670, 2004. Lunar and Planetary Science XX, pp. Meteoritika, v. 34, pp. Meteoritika, v. 36, pp. Popigai crater is part of WikiProject Geology, an attempt at creating a standardized, informative, comprehensive and easy-to-use geology resource. Meteoritika, v. 41, pp. Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution,. and Wasserburg,G.J., Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd of upper Eocene microtektites: A potential Popigai source, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, v. 31, Abstrac 1373, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston. Because the environment is just too harsh and unforgiving for mining to be economical. Koeberl, C., Masaitis, V.L., Langenhorst, F., Stöffler, D., Schrauder, M., Lengauer, C., Gilmour, I. and Hough,R.M., Diamonds from the Popigai impact structure, Russia (abstract). 1998. A cratera de Popigai ou cratera de Popigay é uma cratera de impacto de 100 km de diâmetro, formada há 35 milhões de anos. 1975. Geol., v. 57, pp. 1167-1169. And at more than 85 meters (275 feet) tall in places, Batagaika’s cliff-faces keep growing while the crater below becomes deeper and wider. Masaitis, V. L., Popigai crater: Origin and distribution of diamond-bearing impactites. 7-16. Masaitis, V. L., Impactites from Popigai crater. 25-37. 366-370, 2001. 1994. Booking.com affiliate partner. 2002. Masaitis, V. L., Maschak, M.S., Naumov, M.V. 349-359. and Selivanoskaya,T.V., General principals governing the classification and nomenclature of expolsion breccias and impactites (in Russian). 1977. Wittman, A., et al., Shock-metamorphosed zircon in terrestrial impact craters, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, v. 41, pp. Popigai impact formations should contain a full collection of target sedimentary rocks, in … 130-133. 119-121. 1975. They walked right through it.According to Prothero, these extinctions were most likely caused by long-term global cooling and changes in … European Science Foundation, Third International Workshop. 22-26. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, v. 33, pp. 1995. 127-149, 1997. Second International Conference. Gurov, E. P., Gurova, E.P. 38. 1979. Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicaheskogo Obshchestva, v. 108, pp. 1982. Kettrup, B., Deutsch, A. and V. L. Lunar and Planetary Science XXVI, pp. Naumov, M.V., Lyakhnitskaya, V.D., Yakovleva, O.A., Sulfide mineralization in the Popigai impact structure, Doklady Akademii Nauk, v. 399, pp. The Popigai crater (or astrobleme) in Siberia, Russia is tied with the Manicouagan Crater as the fourth largest verified impact crater on Earth. 790, pp. OrangeSmile B.V. - Hotel Booking Worldwide, Photo gallery: Largest Meteorite Craters on Earth, Origin of humans. Mashchak, M. S., Fedorova, I. G., Composition and conditions of formation of clastic dikes in tagamites of the Popigai astrobleme (abstract). Masaitis, V. L., Mashchak, M. S., Bilateral symmetry of circular impact structures of astroblemes (in Russian). Raikhlin, A. I., Shergina, Yu.P. Masaitis, V. L., Mashchak, M. S., Distribution of impactites in some large astroblemes on the U.S.S.R. territory (abstract). Skrynnik, G. V., Meteorite craters on the Earth (in Russian). 1987. 1993. 1995. Landsat Image provided by Ronald W. Hayes, Site developed and maintained by and Pal'chik,N.A., Coesite in the rocks of the Popigai structure (in Russian). A., A geophysical model of the structure of meteorite craters and some problems of the mechanics of crater formation (in Russian). 102-103. Montanari, A., Tracking down the Popigai: Investigations on a suspect Cenozoic killer. 1982. 2000. Kring, D. A., Melosh, H.J. The other largest crater is situated in Russia, Taymyr Autonomous District. Impactites from Popigai Crater Impactites (tagamites and suevites) from Popigai impact crater, whose diameter is about 100 km, are distributed over an area of 5000 sq km. 1998. International Conference on Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution, LPI Contribution No. It is widely known as one of the largest diamond mines in the world. : ... Unionpedia is a concept map or semantic network organized like an encyclopedia – dictionary. They refer to strike angles θi for the Popigai crater in Siberia, where the data are combed but locatedasymmetricallyaround thecrater'scenter. 1999. 1976. Polyakov, M. M., Trukhalev, A. I., The Popigay volcanotectonic ring structure (in Russian). The Role of Impacts on the Evolution of the Atmosphere and Biosphere with Regard to Short- and Long-Term Changes, p. 160-162. 1994. and Rakitskaya,R.B., Impact diamonds in the craters of the Ukrainian shield (abstract). Masaitis., Sr, Nd isotope composition of impact melt coated gneissbombs and tagamites, Popigai crater, Russia, Lunar and Planetary Science XXXII. 1980. Large Astroblemes of Russia, pp. Yakovlev, O. I., Parfenova, O.V. Pratesi, G., et al., Cathodoluminescence investigations on the Popigai, Ries, and Lappajärvi impact diamonds, American Mineralogist, v. 88, pp. 135-139. 43-47. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, 124 p. 1975. 154-158. Masaitis, V. L., Futergendler, S.I. 16, pp. 98-106. The continuous sheet of suevite overlies the allogenic polymict breccia and partly authogenic breccia, and may also be observed in lenses or irregular bodies. Bottomley, R. J., York, D. and Grieve,R.A.F., Age of Popigai impact event using the 40Ar-39Ar method (abstract). Popigai crater epekto breccia: Isang malaking 457.7-gramo na ispesimen ng breccia mula sa napakalaking bunganga ng Popigai sa hilagang Siberia. p. A62. Meteoritika, v. 33, pp. 22-30. 150-156. 1997. and Masaitis,V.L., Geophysics, petrophysics and paleomagnetism of the Popigai impact structure, Siberia, 4th ESF Workshop, p. 59. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v. 286, pp. The hypothesis that the crater has been formed by an impact of a large fireball was presented much later, in 1970. 493-497, 1996. 274-277, 2001, Marakushev, A.A., Shakhot'ko, L.I., The stage of formation and nature of the popigai diamond-bearing ring structure, Doklady Akademii Nauk, v. 377, pp. 1994. 623-647, 2002. El Goresy, A., Dubrovinsky, L. S. , Gillet, P. , Mostefaoui, S. , Graup, G. , Drakopoulos, M. , Simionovici, A. S. , Swamy, V. and Masaitis, V. L., A new natural, super-hard, transparent polymorph of carbon from the Popigai impact crater, Russia. 541-542. 101-102. 1-53. 205-284, 2001. Shelkov, D. A., Verchovsky, A.B., Milledge, H.J., Kaminsky, F.V., Pillinger,C.T., Carbon, nitrogen, argon and helium study of impact diamonds from Ebeliakh alluvial deposits and Popigai crater, Meteoritics & Planetary Science 33, pp. and Ignatenko,K.I., Nonequilibrium condensation and high potassium impactites (in Russian). 1997. Lunar and Planetary Science, v. XI, pp. The "Popigai crater" in Siberia, Russia is tied with the Manicouagan Crater as the fourth largest verified impact crater on Earth. Vishnevsky, S., Montanari, A., Petrography and geochemistry of Potigai impact melt rocks: A selection of material for potentially reliable radioisotopic dating. 1978. A., Meteorite explosion craters as an object of study in modern geology (in Russian). 981-984, 2006, Vichnevsky, S.A., Two groups of Popigai impact glasses: A result of initial water content in target rocks, Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry, v. 56, pp. and Granovskiy,I.B., Transformation of planetary material in high-speed collisions (in Russian). Sazonova, L. V., Peculiarities of cation diffusion in shock plagioclase melts (Popigai astrobleme, USSR) (abstract). Vishnevsky, S. A., Kovaleva, L.T. 433-454, 2006. Geological map- ping, geophysical observations, drilling and core study have provided many important data regarding the inner structure, location and in- terrelations of different types of shocked and melted rocks, their 526-538, 1992. 87-107, 2002. Many millions of years old." The walls of this immense crater look as though they could have been scooped out of ice cream, but for the protruding ends of plant roots. The 100-km Popigai impact crater in Siberia shows up clearly on this topographic map. Vishnevsky, S., The suevite megabreccia: A new type of explosion cloud deposits at the Popigai crater (abstract). Masaitis, V. L., Sysoev, A. G., Meteoritic matter in impactites of Popigai crater (in Russian). 1999. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v. 221, pp. * pre-1977 K-Ar, Ar-Ar and Rb-Sr ages recalculated using the decay constants of Steiger and Jager (1977) Ages in millions of years (Ma) before present. 1048-1049. 297-298. The Identification and Characterization of Impacts. Meteoritics, v. 30, pp. 1982. Shock Wave Behaviour of Solids in Nature and Experiments, Limoges, France. 1971. 664-666. 1980. The new age, which is … Dabizha, A. I., Fel'dman, V. I., The geophysical properties of some astroblemes in the USSR (in Russian). 2000. 105-151. Geokhimiya, v. 7, pp. Popigai krater (veya astrobleme olarak) Sibirya , Rusya ile bağlıdır Manicouagan Kraterine olarak dördüncü büyük doğrulanmış çarpma krateri üzerindeki Dünya'da .Büyük bir bolide etkisi, Eosen döneminin sonlarında ( Priabonian aşaması ) yaklaşık 35 milyon yıl … Meteoritika, v. 40, pp. 1974. Dabizha, A. I., Anuchin, M.S., Fedynsky, V.V. and Montanari,A., Shocked quartz in Late Eocene: Impact evidence from Massignano, Arcona. Popigai crater is one of the 10 biggest impact craters on Earth, and in 2012, Russian scientists claimed the crater harbors a gigantic industrial diamond deposit. Lunar and Planetary Science XI, pp. Meteoritics, v. 26, pp. the Planetary and Space Science Centre University of New Brunswick Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. 362-365. 1995. Raikhlin, A. I., Danilin, A.N., Gorshkov, E.S. New!! Kopecky, L., Principle views on the genesis of astroblemes and related mineralizations, Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geologica, v. 41. pp. 483-486. Kenkmann, T., Greshake, A., Schmitt, R.T., Tagle, R. Claeys,P.and D.Stoffler., Naturally shock-induced phase transformations in a dolomite-sandstone: an example from the Popigai impact crater, Siberia, Lunar and Planetary Science XXX. 1997. 1975. 1985. Lunar and Planetary Science XXIV, pp. and Kononkova,N.N., Some features of garnet transformation during impact metamorphism (abstract). Mineralogicheskoye Obshchestvo Zapiski, v. 107, pp. Masaitis, V. L., Structural features of giant astroblemes (abstract). 153-162. Lunar and Planetary Science XX, pp. Masaitis, V. L., Impactites from Popigai crater (abstract). Masaitis, V. L., Shafranovsky, G. L., Comparative study of impact diamonds from the Ries and Popigai craters (abstract). 108-112. 2000. ... mytouristmaps.com: interactive tourist maps with tourist attractions, nature, animals, transportation and utilities, tips and curiosities from the world. 583-584. 17-26, 2009. Vishnevsky, S. A., Pal'chik, N. A., Graphite in the rocks of the Popigay structure: Its destruction and transformation into other phases of the carbon system (in Russian). 691-711, 1999, Masaitis, V.L., Naumov, M.V., Mashchak, M.S., Original diameter and depth of erosion of the Popigai impact crater, Russia, Special Paper of the Geological Society of America, Issue 384, pp. Masaitis, V. L., The petrology and geology of impactites (in Russian). 1995. 4, Supp. Danilin, A. N., On the characteristics of the internal structure of the layers of allogenic breccia and suevites of large astroblemes (in Russian). 1991. Kettrup, B., Masaitis, V. L., Deutsch., Gneiss Bombs from the Popigai Crater, Russia: Geochemical Characteristics of the Melt Coatings, Meteoritics; vol. The bedrock within the site was forced downward and outward, shattering into megaton blocks that were subsequently thrust away and piled up along the crater rim. Ferriere, L., et al., Ballen quartz and cristobalite in impactites: New investigations, Special Paper of the Geological Society of America, Issue 465, pp. Pis'ma v Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, v. 1, pp. The hypothesis that the crater has been formed by an impact of a large fireball was presented much later, in 1970. and Popsuy Shapko,G.P., Nature of ring-shaped photo-anomalies identified by remote surveys (in Russian). Le pressioni d'urto dovute all'impatto trasformarono istantaneamente la grafite nel terreno in diamanti in un raggio di 13,6 km dal punto d'impatto. and Shadenkov,Ye.M., The Geology of Astroblemes (in Russian). 16-27. Masaitis, V. L., Some old meteoritic craters on the territory of the USSR (in Russian). 1995. 1476-1478. Meteoritics, v. 14, pp. Impact Cratering and Evolution of Planet Earth. Meteoritics, v. 30, 591-592. Popigai impact crater during the last two decades. Meteoritics, v. 26, pp. 1985. Sovetskaya Geologiya, v. 1, pp. 1982. The structure itself was found recently, in 1946. Sazonova, L. V., Korotaeva, N. N., Chemical diaplectic changes of plagioclases from impactites (Popigai and Puchezh-Katunk astroblemes, USSR) (abstract). Garvin, J.B., Schnetzler, C.C., Grieve, R.A.F., Characteristics of large terrestrial impact structures as revealed by remote sensing studies, Tectonophysics, v. 216, pp. Vishnevsky, S. A., Pospelova, L. N., Some petrological and geochemical features of the problem of impact interactions (in Russian). The Identification and Characterization of Impacts. Masaitis, V. L., Diamond-bearing impactites and problems of their development. Second International Conference. 1996. 1989. Impact Cratering and Evolution of Planet Earth, First International Workshop, Nordlingen, Germany. 2001. Yes, Russia is sitting on billions of dollars worth of diamonds, and no one can touch them because Mother Russia is too badass to let them go. Marchand, E., Whitehead, J., A statistical evaluation of compositional data of upper Eocene impact melt ejecta from the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and the Carribean Sea, Technical Report of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Brunswick, pp. Vonhof, H. B., Wijbrans, J. and Smit,J., The Popigai impact crater: 40 Ar/39Ar dating and its expression in the 87Sr/86Sr record of the Massignano section (abstract). Raikhlin, A. I., Impact glasses from certain astroblemes in the USSR (in Russian). Masaitis, V. L., Mashchak, M. S., Distribution of impactites in some large astroblemes of the U.S.S.R. territory (abstract). Montanari, A., Vishnevsky, S., Claeys, P. and Deino,A., Petrography and geochemistry of Popigai impact melt rocks: A selection of material for potentially reliable radioisotopic dating (abstract). Masaitis, V. L., On the tracks of a cosmic catastrophe (in Russian). and Raikhlin,A.I., The Popigai Impact Structure. 1993. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 1982. 1984. 2005. Preprint No. Located in Siberia (in modern-day Russian Federation), north of Norilsk, it was home to diamond mines set up under Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. 58. Selivanovskaya, T. V., Petrographic types of tagamites from the Popigay astrobleme (in Russian). Liu, S., et al., The late Eocene clinopyroxene-bearing spherule layer: New sites, nature of the strewn field, Ir data, and discovery of coesite and shocked quartz, Special Paper of the Geological Society of America, Issue 452, pp. Naumov, M.V., Impact-generated heydrothermal systems; data from Popigai, Kara, and Puchezh-Katunki impact structures, 4th IMPACT programme workshop on Meteorite impacts in Precambrian shields, pp. Meteoritika, v. 41, pp. 100 kilometers in diameter. Masaitis, V. L., Popigai impact crater: General geology, 4th ESF Workshop, pg. 2003. Zaychenko, V. 985-992. 1977. Mikhailov, M. V., Selivanovskaya, T. V., The puzzle of the Popigai Basin (in Russian). Popigai crater Google Maps 1983. 1979. 4, pp. 1994. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v. 228, pp. Grieve, R. A. F., The record of impact on Earth: Implications for a major Cretaceous/Tertiary impact event. 81-87. 1992. Zapiski Vsesoyuznoge Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva, v. 101, pp. POPIGAI IMPACT STRUCTURE OVERVIEW About 36 million years ago in northern Siberia, a large asteroid impacted the Siberian platform to form a crater 100 km in diameter filled with melted and shocked material that included shock-generated impact diamonds. and Shafronovskii,G.I., Mineral associations and mineralogical criteria of the origin of "astroblemes" (in Russian). Hölker, Th., Deutsch, A. and Masaitis,V.L., Nd-Sr isotope signatures of impactites from the Popigai impact crater (Russia) (abstract). and Murina,G.A., Strontium isotopic composition in rocks of the Popigai astrobleme (abstract). 84-94. Geol., v. 4, pp. Priroda, v. 9, pp. 335, P. 889 - 898. Masaitis, V. L., Diamantiferous impactites, their distribution and petrogenesis (in Russian). 113-121. Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.R., Brandt, D. and Poag,C.W., Stalking the Late Eocene impact: Geochemistry of rocks from the Chesapeake Bay crater and North American tektites (abstract). 1), pp. Soviet scientists had in the 1970s uncovered the 100-kilometre (60-mile) Popigai Crater left by a huge asteroid in Siberia 35 million years ago. Why? , Fluid+Melt Intrusions in Lechatelierite from the Popigai Suevites: A Product of Dynamic Interaction Melts and Fluids during the Shock Melting of the Target Gneiss, Geochemistry International , v. 48, pp. 36-40. Está localizada no norte da Sibéria, próximo das cidades de Popigai e Norilsk, na Rússia.. Notabiliza-se por ter uma reserva de diamantes da ordem de milhares de milhões de quilates, o que seria suficiente para abastecer o mercado mundial durante 3000 anos. Pansinin ang iba't ibang mga kulay, sukat, hugis at texture sa loob ng isang solong masa - ang resulta ng isang pangunahing epekto ng meteorite na naghagis ng milyun-milyong toneladang bato sa hangin. Popigai's topography and geological unconformities are striking. 1974. Impact Studies, v. 2, p. 109-116. 83-95, 2009. Raikhlin, A. I., Mashchak, M. S., Petrochemical correlation of Popigay impactites and basement rocks (in Russian). International Conference on Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution, LPI Contribution No. 1992. 220-231. Vishnevsky, S. A., The Popigai Astroblema, A site of geological heritage: Some problems of conservation and scientific objectives (abstract). 1997. 442-453, 1996, Marakushev, A.A., Shakhot'ko, L.I., Formation stages and nature of the Popigai diamondiferous ring structure, Doklady Earth Sciences, v. 377, pp. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 181, p. 473-487. B., Deino, A. L., New perspectives on the Popigai impact structure (abstract). Lunar and Planetary Science, v. XXIII, pp. 4th International Workshop of the ESF Scientific Network on "Impact Cratering and Evolution of Planet Earth". 1982. 254. 56-64. Ispytateley Prirody Byull., Otdel. 161. 131-134. Hölker, Th., Deutsch, A. and Masaitis,V.L., Geochemical characteristics of impactites from the Popigai impact structure, Russia (abstract). 2001. 1970. Tagle, R., Claeys, P., An ordinary chondrite impactor for the Papigai crater, Siberia, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 677-679. Some of the largest fragments were thrown over 70 kilometers from the crater. Langenhorst, F., Shafranovsky, G. and V. L. It gives a brief … Places Hiding Fossils of Dinosaurs, 'Giant Artificial Quarries of the Planet', 'Volcanoes and Traps That Changed the Face of the Planet', 'The Most Extreme Settlements on the Planet'. Popigai Impactite comes from the Popigai Crater located in Siberia, Russia. The Unesco World Heritage Sites in Africa, Previous owners of the world. 428-435, 2009. 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