791-814, Pergamon Press, New York. Caution these are big files! 1992. Koeberl, C., Shirey, S. B., Re-Os isotope study of rocks from the Manson impact structure. 1977. (Honours) Thesis, University of Ottawa, unpublished. Geological Society of America Special Paper 293, pp. 1996. 408-409. With a 24 mile diameter. Van Schmus, W. R., Bickford, M.E. Manson lies near the center of a 24 mile wide crater that was created 74 million years ago when a meteorite crashed to earth. Koeberl, C., Anderson, R.R., Hartung, J.B. and Reimold,W.U., Manson impact structure, Iowa: First geochemical results for drill core M-1 (abstract). 790, pp. Boer, R. H., Reimold, W.U., Koeberl, C. and Kesler,S.E., Fluid inclusion studies on drill core samples from the Manson impact crater: Evidence for post-impact hydrothermal activity. Anderson, R. R., Witzke, B. J., Bunte breccia-like deposits within the Manson impact structure (Iowa); evidence for impact into a shallow marine environment? 1565-1568. Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 22nd, pp. Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., Kracher, A., Träxler, B., Vormaier, A. and Körner,W., Mineralogical, petrological, and geochemical studies of drill core samples from the Manson impact structure, Iowa. Anderson, R.R., Witzke, B.J., The terminal Cretaceous Manson impact structure in north-central Iowa: a window into the late Cretaceous history of the eastern margin of the Western Cretaceous Seaway, Perspectives on the eastern margin of the Cretaceous Western Interior Basin, pp. Crossey, L. J., McCarville, P. M., Post-impact hydrothermal systems: Manson impact structure. Steiner M B., Shoemaker, E. M., The late cretaceous Manson impact structure (abstract). Geological Society of America Special paper 302, pp. Drinking Water Announcement. The crater is completely covered by Quaternary glacial sedimentary deposits that are normally underlain by Cretaceous clastic sediments and flat-lying … Lunar and Planetary Science XXIV, pp. 2007. 1994. Reagan, M. K., C.T. Zeitler, P. K., Kunk, M. J., Age and thermochronology of K-feldspars from the Manson impact structure (abstract). 1994. Further investigation was undertaken by Robert S. Dietz who proposed an impact origin in 1959 and by Nicholas Short in 1966 who produced evidence of shocked quartz grains which confirmed the impact origin of the structure. Meeting location will be at the City Hall alternate location, 1321 10th Avenue. Roddy, D. J., Shoemaket, E.M. and Anderson,R.R., The Manson impact crater: Estimation of the energy of formation, possible size of the impacting asteroid or comet, and ejecta volume and mass (abstract). 1995. Confirmed impact craters listed by size and age. B., Izett, G.A., Naeser, C.W., Kunk, M.J. and Sutter,J.F., The Manson, Iowa, impact structure and the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary event (abstract). Lunar and Planetary Science XXV, pp. B., Gravity investigation of the Manson impact structure, Iowa. Stay tuned for further details. Science, v. 244, pp. A more simple, secure, and faster web browser than ever, with Google’s smarts built-in. The Manson cycle engine was designed back in 1952 by A.D. Manson and first published in Newnes Practical Mechanics March 1952 p193. Zeitler, P., 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of shocked feldspars from the Manson impact structure. Bell, M. S., Reagan, M.K. 1992. 485. The structure is not well known geologically because it is covered by tens of meters of glacial deposits. 25-26. 264-265. 1301-1302. 1996. The site at the time was the shore of a shallow inland sea[6] the Western Interior Seaway. Shirley Manson Body Statistics. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, in press. Short, N. M., Gold, D. P., Petrographic analysis of selected core materials from the Manson (Iowa) impact structure (abstract). McCarville, P., Crossey, L. J., Post-impact hydrothermal alteration of the Manson impact structure (abstract). and Shadenkov,Ye.M., The Geology of Astroblemes (in Russian). 1009-1010. and Mc Carville,P.M., Geochemical study of cores from the Manson impact structure. Blum, J. D., Chamberlain, C.P., Hingston, M.P. 2002. Lunar and Planetary Science XXVI, pp. 412-413. Geological Society of America Special Paper 302, pp. 639-675. Grieve, R. A. F., Dence, M.R. A-349. International Geology Review, v. 18, pp. Witzke B.J., Anderson, R. R., Sedimentary-clast breccias of the Manson impact structure. 1988. Lunar and Planetary Science XXV, pp. and Foster Jr.,C.T., Petrography of the crystalline breccias from the Manson M-1 core: Implications for impact breccia emplacement (abstract). 325-330. Sugiura N., Hashizume K., Anomalous nitrogen in Y74191 (L3) chondrite, 1990. 1 @BenButterworth, it falls under the **fig_kw part, which are passed on to pyplot.figure. 383-384. Where does one hide a 24 mile hole? Hörz, F., Ostertag, R. and Rainey,D.A., Bunte Breccia of the Ries: Continuous deposits of large impact craters. 436-437. Master's Thesis, University of Iowa, 48 p. 1970. CRATER GAZIN' Enjoy the view from one of several breathtaking outdoor observation points. 1993. Type: Central peak; Age: 74.1 Ma a – CRETACEOUS; Diameter: ~35Km; Location: N 42°35’ W 94° 33’ Shock Metamorphism: Shock-characteristic planar deformation features (PDFs) in a quartz grain; a Dating Method: 40 Ar/ 39 Ar method at 74.1 Ma (million years; Izett et al 1998) Always The Last Full Weekend In June! Meteoritics, v. 28, p. 317. 1989. 1994. 536-539. 1992. Geological Society of America Special Paper 302, pp. 1995. 1958. 1996. 267-274. Although the crater is not visible today, the impact of the meteor significantly changed the … 1994. Geological Society of America Special Paper 307, pp. Reagan, M. K., Foster, J r. C. T. and Bell,M S., Origin of the upper crystalline-clast bearing suevite in the Manson M-1 core (abstract). Boynton, W. V., Baedecker, P.A., Chou, C.-L., Robinson, K.L. and Robertson,P.B., Cratering processes: As interpreted from the occurrence of impact melts. 1994. Yurk, Yu Yu., Yeremenko, G.K. and Polkanov,Yu.A., The Boltysh depression: A fossil meteorite crater. 1996. Many popular and scientific articles have been written on the location. 145-219. and Hartung,J.B., Preliminary descriptions of impact rocks recovered by recent core drilling in the Manson impact structure (abstract). Submitted by Admin, 3/1/2021 - 10:00 AM . and Anderson,R.R., Research program on the Manson impact structure, Iowa (abstract). anderson, R.R. It lies under the southeast corner of Pocahontas County and extends under portions of three adjoining counties. Geological Society of America Special Paper 302, pp. Bell, M. S., Reagan, M.K. Lunar and Planetary Science XXIV, pp. Smith, T. A., Sendlein, L. V. A., Geophysical study of the Manson impact crater (abstract). 1993 Fall Meeting, AGU, v. Fall, p. 386. 1993. Mag. Korotev, R. L., Rockow, K.M., Jolliff, B.L., Haskin, L.A., McCarville, P. and Crossey,L.J., Geochemical comparison of four cores from the Manson impact structure, Geological Society of America Special Paper on the Manson Impact Structure, in press. Sharpton V.L., Plescia J.B., Impact structures on the Earth I, 1993. Merrill, eds. The Manson impact structure, Iowa; anatomy of an impact crater Author(s) Christian Koeberl; Christian Koeberl ... Fluid inclusion studies on drill core samples from the Manson impact crater: Evidence for post-impact hydrothermal activity. 1990. Van Schmus, W.R., et al., New insights into the southern margin of the Archean-Proterozoic boundary in the north-central United States based on U-Pb, Sm-Nd, and Ar-Ar geochronology, Precambrian Research, v. 157, pp. Lunar and Planetary Science XXV, pp. Lunar and Planetary Science XIX, pp. Eischeid #1 drillhole, Carroll Co., Iowa. 1993. 693-694. and Wasson,J.T., Mixing and transport of lunar surface materials: Evidence obtained by the determination of lithophile, sideropohile, and volatile elements. Lunar and Planetary Science XXIV, p. 705-706. Weight in Pounds: 126 lbs; Weight in Kilogram: 57 kg; Height in Feet: 5′ 7″ Height in Meters: 1.70 m; Body Measurements: 34-25-34 in (86-64-86 cm) Breast Size: 34 inches (86 cm) Waist Size: 25 inches (64 cm) Hips Size: 34 inches (86 cm) Bra Size/Cup Size: 32B; Feet/Shoe Size: 9 (US) Dress Size: 4 (US) Manson's annual celebration is called "Greater Crater Days" in honor of the much-studied yet invisible crater. 25-37. Author(s) R. H. Boer; R. H. Boer Search for other works by this author on: GSW. 1993. Keiswetter, D., Black, R., Steeples, D.W. and Anderson,R.R., High-resolution seismic reflection survey at the Manson crater, Iowa (abstract). (abstract). Jolliff, B. L., Rockow, K.M., Korotev, R.L., Haskin, L.A., McCarville, P.M. and Crossey,L.J., Geochemical study of cores from the Manson Impact Structure, Proceedings of the VIIth International Symposium on the Observation of the Continental Crust Through Drilling, pp. 1975. 1993. Considered to be one of the best-preserved “wet-target” impact craters in the world, the Chesapeake Bay Crater is the largest known impact site in the United States. 101-110. Blum, J. D., Chamberlain, C.P., Higston, M.P., Koeberl, C., Marin, L.E., Schuraytz, C. and Sharpton,V.L., Isotopic comparison of K/T boundary imapct glass with melt rock from the Chicxulub and Manson impact structures, Nature, v. 364, pp. Steiner, M. B., Unusual magnetization characteristics of Manson and Chicxulub impact structures: Implications for post-impact time (abstract), Geological Society of America, 1995 Annual Meeting, pp. 1993. 80-105, 2007, Varricchio, D.J., et al., Soot and palynologic analysis of Manson impact-related strata (Upper Cretaceous) of Iowa and South Dakota, USA, Cretaceous Research, v. 30, pp. 1993. Anderson, R. R., Hartung, J.B., Witzke, B.J., Shoemaker, E.M. and Roddy,D.J., Preliminary results of the U.S.Geological Survey - Iowa Department of Natural Resources Geological Survey Bureau Manson Core Drilling Project. 1992. But, hidden about 20 to 90 m (66 to 295 ft) below the surface is a buried structure about 38 km (24 mi) in diameter. 1989. Therriault, A. M., Petrographic analysis of shocked quartz in the central uplift of the Manson structure, Iowa. 1996. B., The Manson impact structure; its contribution to impact materials observed at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. Lunar and Planetary Science XXIV, pp. and Koeberl,C., Compostion of breccia matrices from the Manson M-1 drill core (abstract). Geological Society of America Special Paper 302, pp. B., Anderson, R. R., A compilation of information and data on the Manson impact structure. Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U. Anderson, R. R., Witzke, B.J., Hartung, J.B., Shoemaker, E.M. and Roddy,D.J., Descriptions and preliminary interpretations of cores recovered from the Manson impact structure (Iowa) (abstract). 1347-1348. Lunar and Planetary Science XXIII, pp. In 1991 and 1992 the U.S. Geological Survey along with others including the Iowa Geological Survey conducted detailed research in part to test the possible connection of the Manson Crater with the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event. Rev., 77, P. 279 - 310. 2000. Hartung, J. 419-432. and Anderson,R.R., Preliminary clay-mineral investigation of some impactites recovered by core drilling in the Manson impact structure. 347-376. Science, v. 226, pp. Manson Mayor Dave Anderson on Thursday called for the cancellation of all Crater Days Events. Plescia, J. Jolliff, B. L., Rockow, K.M., Korotev, R.L., Haskin, L.A., Crossey, L.J. Following the incarceration of Manson and the Manson girls, Fromme was not finished doing the work of the cult. 1979. 1986. and Anderson,R.R., Preferential feldspar comminution in impact melt breccias from the M-1 core of the Manson impact structure. But, hidden about 20 to 90 m (66 to 295 ft) below the surface is a buried structure about 38 km (24 mi) in diameter. 455-456. B., Anderson, R. R., A Brief History on Investigations of the Manson Impact Structure (Abstract), GSA Special Paper 302 p. 31. 235-243. 1987. 1996. A meteorite about a mile in diameter formed the Manson impact crater (shown in red) at the end of the Cretaceous period. ), Lunar and Planetary Science XXIV, pp. 321-322. 2003. Offered in a variety of sizes and formats, Manson products can be used for a multitude of applications, both industrial as well as commercial. Steiner M.B., Shoemaker, E. M., A hypothesized Manson impact tsunami: Paleomagnetic and stratigraphic evidence in the Crow Creek Member, Pierre Shale. 221-233. Lunar and Planetary Science XXIII, pp. Hartung, J., Manson structure team will help guide research. Location: Virginia, USA. Geological Society of America Special Paper 302, pp. The crater now sits approximately 200 feet below the City of Manson. 215-218. 445. Anderson, R. R., Alexander, E. C., Schilling, K. E., Peate, D. W., & Dorale, J., The geology and geochemistry of ancient groundwater in the central peak aquifer of the manson impact structure, iowa. http://www.mansongcd.com/ Lunar and Planetary Science XVII, pp. The City Council will conduct a public hearing on the proposed budget for 2021. Geological Society of America Special Paper 302, pp. and Koeberl,C., Strontium & oxygen isotope study of M-1, M-3 & M-4 drill core samples from the Manson impact structure, Iowa: Comparison with Haitian K-T impact glasses (abs. Its center is located near the town of Manson, 29 km west of Fort Dodge, Iowa. Reimold, W. U., Reid, A.M. and Therriault,A.M., Observations on granitic clasts in granophyre from the Vredefort Dome (abstract). Roddy, D. J., Shoemaket, E.M. and Anderson,R.R., The Manson impact crater: Estimation of the energy of formation, possible size of the impacting asteroid or comet, and ejecta volume and mass (abstract). Witzke, B. J., General stratigraphy of the Phanerozoic and Keweenawan sequence, M.G. McHone J F., Dietz, R. S., Earth's multiple impact craters and astroblemes (abstract). B.Sc. 499-500. 105-113. 1982. 2-3. 1993. Science, v. 262, pp. 1211-1212. Masaitis, V. L., Danilin, A.N., Maschak, M.S., Raykhlin, A.I., Selivanovskaya, T.V. Lunar and Planetary Science XXIV, pp. Hartung, J. Steiner, M. B., Implications of magneto-mineralogic characteristics of the Manson and Chicxulub impact rocks. 89-104. Cockell, C. S., Lee, P., The Biology of Impact Craters - a review. Unlike many impact sites that are completely unknown to the people living within or above them, the town of Manson actually holds an annual Greater Crater Days … 1994. Download now. 203-207. The cancellation came as late notice but the reason given was because of an up tick in covid-19 cases in the area. Geological Society of America Special Paper 302, pp. Plescia, J. Manson Crater - The Manson, Iowa, impact crater is not only one of the largest US impact craters, at about 35 km in diameter, it is one of the best known and best studied. Map courtesy of Bill Whittaker. 1303-1304. 1995. Crossey, L. J., McCarville, P., Post-impact hydrothermal systems: Manson impact structure (abstract). Lunar and Planetary Science XXIV, pp. 31-51, 2004. 87-88. 1990. anderson, R.R., Shearer, C.K., Papike, J.J. and Nelson,B.K., Quimby, Iowa, scientific drill hole: Definition of Precambrian crustal features in northwestern Iowa. 3-12, 1993. Learn about our 60 year history with NASA and how the Apollo 11 astronauts trained at Meteor Crater to prepare for the 1969 mission to the moon. 325-327. Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin, v. 178, 63 p. 1969. The Manson Impact Structure has a diameter of 37 km (23 miles) making it the largest intact, on-shore meteorite crater in the United States. Geological Society of America Special Paper 302, pp. Nature, v. 340, pp. The crater diameter at which saturation equilibrium occurs depends on the age of the surface – younger surfaces exhibit saturation equilibrium only at small crater diameters, whereas larger craters on older surfaces may reach equilibrium. Lunar and Planetary Science XXIV, pp. Keiswetter, D., Black, R. and Steeples,D., Structure of the terrace terrane, Manson Impact Structure, Iowa, interpreted from high-resolution, seismic reflection data. Seine „Manson Family“ brachte in den USA die schwangere Schauspielerin Sharon Tate und andere Opfer um. Lunar and Planetary Science XXVI, pp. Thesis, The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 186 p. 1994. 1-29. Lunar and Planetary Science XXV, pp. 1989. Korotev, R. L., Jolliff, B.L., Rockow, K.M., Haskin, L.A. and Crossey,L.J., A preliminary geochemical study of crystalline melt from the Manson impact structure (abstract). – Vicki B Oct 18 '19 at 17:33. Chemical interactions with basement and formational processes. -C., A transmission electron microscope study of shocked quartz from the Manson impact structure. by: Charles O’Dale. 1990. 1987. Meteoritics, v. 28, pp. Pepin and R.B. Korotev, R. L., Rockow, K.M., Jolliff, B.L., Haskin, L.A., McCarville, P. and Crossey,L.J., Geochemical comparison of four cores from the Manson impact structure. 428-429. calling f.set_figheight, however, does work. 1992. Meteoritics, v. 28, pp. 607-608. 1990. Geological Society of America Special Paper 302, pp. 351-352. 341-346. 245-265. No surface evidence exists due to comparatively recent coverage by glacial till, and the site where the crater lies buried is now a flat landscape. Journal of Geology, v. 66, pp. Koeberl, C., Martinez-Ruiz, F., The Stratigraphic Record of Impact Events: A Short Overview, Impact Markers in the Stratigraphic Record p. 1 - 40. Meteoritics, v. 29, pp. 1996. 269-299, 2010, Weber, R.D., Watkins, D.K., Evidence from the Crow Creek Member (Pierre Shale) for an impact-induced resuspension event in the late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, Geology, v. 35, pp. 1996. Grieve, R. A. F., Cintala, M. J., An analysis of differential impact melt-crater scaling and implications for the terrestrial impact record. McCarville, P., Postimpact hydrothermal alteration of the Manson impact structure, Manson, Iowa. Hartung, J., Kracher, A. anderson, R. and Plocher,O., Manson impact structure rocks: Evidence for an exotic component (abstract). Lunar and Planetary Science XXIV, pp. anderson, R.R. 1996. 115-144. 1996. 1994. Eischeid #1 Deep Petroleum Test, Carroll County, Iowa, Special Report Series No. Lunar and Planetary Science XXII, pp. 1995. 1998. That an anomalous structure underlaid the area was known from unusual water well drill cuttings in 1912 of deformed rock, "crystalline clast breccia with a melt matrix" as a later report described it. 1975. 1993. 1996. 526-538. Witzke, B. J., Anderson, R. R., Iowa's Manson crater; the largest impact site in the U.S. Iowa Geology, v. 13, pp. Manson Greater Crater Days, Manson, IA. Korotev, R. L., Compositional variations in Apolo 16 impact-melt breccias and inferences for the geology and bombardment history of the Moon. Geological Society of America Special Paper 302, pp. Meteoritics, v. 28, pp. 1993. That is a must see if you can find it. Meteoritics, v. 28, pp. Monastersky R., Pennisi E., A buried Iowa crater finally comes of age, 1993. No surface evidence exists due to comparatively recent coverage by glacial till, and the site where the crater lies buried is now a flat landscape. Hello everyone! Lunar and Planetary Science XXVI, pp. Get more done with the new Google Chrome. 1993 Fall Meeting, AGU, v. Fall, p. 386. Jones, M. C., McCormick, G.R. Lunar and Planetary Science XXIV, pp. Meteoritics, v. 26, pp. Meteoritics, v. 25, pp. Lunar and Planetary Science XXV, pp. The Manson structure may be one element of the events at the K-T boundary. 331-339. 771-772. anderson, R.R. Leroux, H., Doukhan, J. 1995. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 190, pp. 1211-1212. Geological Society of America, v. 5, 642 p. 1977. Anderson, R. R., Hartung, J.B., Reagan, M.K., Bell, M.S. Lunar and Planetary Science XXIV, pp. The structure is present at the bedrock surface, but is buried beneath 20 to 90 m (70 to 300 feet) of glacial till with no apparent surface expression of the structure. 1993. Find out what hidden gems await at Meteor Crater & Barringer Space Museum! 188-189. Boer, R. H., Reimold, W.U., Koeberl, C., Kesler,S.E., Fluid Inclusion Studies on Drill Core Samples from the Manson Impact Crater: Evidence for Post-Impact Hydrothermal Activity (abstract), GSA Special Paper 302 p. 377. Meteoritics, v. 27, pp. Abramov, O., Kring, D. A., Finite-difference modeling of impact-induced hydrothermal systems, Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIV. Geological Society of America Special Paper 302, pp. Shoemaker, E. M., Roddy, D.J. Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, v. 21, pp. ), pp. Meteoritics, v. 28, pp. Lunar and Planetary Science XXIII, pp. Global Catastrophes in Earth History, Geological Society of America, Special Paper 247, pp. Anderson, R. R., Hartung, J.B., Roddy, D.J. Short, N. M., Gold, D. P., Petrography of shock features in the 1953 Manson 2-A drill core (abstract). The Manson impact structure, about 35 km in diameter, is the largest impact crater recognized in the United States. It is the largest intact impact structure recognized in the United States (35 km in diameter). Anderson, R. R., Witzke, B.J. Lunar and Planetary Science XXIV, pp. 39-57. and Kunk,M.J., The Manson impact structure: 40Ar/39Ar age and its distal impact ejecta in the Pierre shale in southeastern South Dakota. 1993. 1996. Pisarik, R., Petershagen, J., Wilke, K. and Sendlein,L.V.A., Magnetic studies of the Manson disturbed area (abstract). Koeberl, C., Anderson, R. R., Manson and company: Impact structures in the United States. EOS, v. 68, pp. Christian Koeberl and Raymond R. Anderson, eds; 1996, This page was last edited on 1 February 2021, at 18:00. 887-888. The crater is about 23 miles in diameter, making it about 30 TIMES larger than Meteor Crater, in Arizona. 317-324. The Manson crater is an impact crater near the site of Manson, Iowa where an asteroid or comet nucleus struck the Earth during the Cretaceous Period, approximately 74 Ma (million years ago). Newsom, H. E., Graup, G., Sewards, T. and Keil,K., Fluidization and hydrothermal alteration of the suevite deposit at the Ries crater, West Germany, and implications for Mars. [1] It was one of the largest known impact events to have happened in North America. "The Manson impact was the biggest thing that has ever occurred on the mainland United States. 1993. EOS Trans., AGU, v. 68, p. 1514. Geological Society of America Special Paper 302, pp. Crater Days in Manson that was scheduled for this Friday and Saturday June 26th and 27th. Kunk, M. J., Snee, L.W., French, B.M., Harlan, S.S. and McGee,J.J., Preliminary 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum and laser probe dating of the M1 core of the Manson impact structure, Iowa: A K-T boundary crater candidate (abstract). Lunar and Planetary Science, v. XXIII, pp. Cisowski, S. M., Paleomagnetism of Manson structure cores inconsistent with a K/T link (abstract). 1996. Korotev, R. L., Rockow, K.M., Jolliff, B.L., Haskin, L.A. , McCarville, P. and Crossey,L.J., Geochemical comparison of four cores from the Manson impact structure (abstract). Der Chicxulub-Krater (nach dem Ort Chicxulub Pueblo, von Mayathan Chik Xulub [tʃikʃuˈlub], chik Floh, Zecke, xulub Teufel, Dämon, Horn)[1] ist ein laut neuester Datierung 1993. and Obradovich,J.D., 40Ar/39Ar age of the Manson impact structure, Iowa, and correlative impact ejecta in the Crow Creek Member of the Pierre Shale (Upper Cretaceous), South Dakota and Nebraska. B., Kunk, M.J. and Anderson,R.R., Geology, geophysics, and geochronology of the Manson impact structure. Proceedings of the VIIth International Symposium on the Observation of the Continental Crust Through Drilling, Sante Fe, New Mexico, pp. 1 771 J’aime. 1994. 1978. 1.5K likes. 127-134, 2009, Varricchio, D.J., et al., Tracing the Manson impact event across the Western Interior Cretaceous Seaway, Special Paper of the Geological Society of America, Issue 465, pp. The original object was probably a stoney meteorite about 1.5 miles (2 km) in diameter, weighing close … 2761-2771. 93-100. Buchanan, P. C., Koeberl, C., Planar deformation features in quartz grains from the Manson impact structure, Iowa, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, v 33, n 4, p A24-A25. Lunar and Planetary Science XXIV, pp. 1993. 1996. Lunar and Planetary Science XXV, pp. 861-862. M.S. 1996. Contributions of Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 77, pp. and Kracher,A., Origin of impact melt breccias and suevites in drill cores from the Manson impact structure (abstract). 781-782. 1994. 1993. B., The structural configuration of the Manson impact structure, Iowa, as interpreted from seismic data and confirmed by drill samples (abstract). 1567-1568. Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. 1996. Geological Society of America Special Paper 302, pp. 89-104. Hoppin, R. A., Dryden, J. E., An unusual occurrence of pre-Cambrian crystalline rocks beneath glacial drift near Manson, Iowa.
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