La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 22 avril 2021 à 20:39. Elle avait quitté l'équipe de production de la série à l'issue de la septième saison. Les pompiers de Seattle Ben Warren et Andy Herrera se rendent au Grey Sloan après avoir secouru deux garçons blessés dans l'incendie d'une maison. Bailey and Richard host interviews with prospective new interns but fail to find a decent candidate. All 101 songs featured in Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Soundtrack, listed by episode with scene descriptions. Pendant ce temps, Nicole Herman rend visite à l'hôpital et parle à Arizona d'une opportunité passionnante. Using her research to justify his entry into the country, Meredith and Nathan team up to bring Megan's adopted son to America. Voir toutes les vidéos de la saison 14. Elle se porte vers le chirurgien qui l'a opéré, pour l'aider à opérer à nouveau. Frank Of Ireland Saison … April hijacks the trauma certification drill, and leaves the interns in tears and doubt. After Paul's fiancée, Jenny, tells him about her secret exchange with Jo, Meredith pretends to call in security to remove Paul from the hospital. Richard and Catherine learn of Jackson and Maggie's relationship, which causes some awkward tension as Jackson, Catherine, and Richard work together on the vaginoplasty case. [47] Renewing her contract for another 3 seasons as Dr. Arizona Robbins after the eleventh season, Jessica Capshaw returned for the fourteenth season. Grey's Anatomy-Saison 14 [DVD] Ellen Pompeo (Acteur, Réalisateur), Justin Chambers (Acteur), Debbis Allen (Réalisateur) & Classé: Tous publics Format : DVD. Un pirate compromet le système informatique de l'hôpital, causant le dysfonctionnement des moniteurs, des téléphones, des labos et des dossiers des patients. As Arizona performs surgery on Liza, Izzie's look-a-like, she reflects on her relationship with Callie and Mark in preparation for Sofia's return to Seattle. Le 22 janvier 2018, l'actrice Bethany Joy Lenz (Les Frères Scott) annonce qu'elle rejoint la distribution via un cliché sur Instagram dans le rôle de Jenny, qui serait la fiancée de Paul Stadler. After a night spent together, April confesses to Tom that her deviant behavior is a result of her failing faith and hatred of God. Meredith prepares to meet the owner of the patent she is pursuing; however, she is surprised to find out that it is an old "friend" of Ellis'. When Jo and Jenny go to Paul's room to announce they are taking him to court, he gets in a bout of rage, falls out of his bed, and knocks himself out becoming brain dead. Amelia and Owen continue to pursue their "friends with benefits" relationship until she finds out how close Owen and Teddy are, and Arizona helps Sofia get accustomed to her new life away from New York. Unable to fly out to Boston, in an OR—in front of her friends and colleagues—Meredith is announced the winner of the 2017 Harper Avery award. [42] On April 28, 2017, veteran writer Krista Vernoff announced that she would return to the show as a writer after leaving the show after the seventh season. En revanche, le rôle de Megan Hunt, la sœur disparue d'Owen, a été confié à Abigail Spencer, qui remplace donc Bridget Regan (trop occupée sur le tournage de The Last Ship)[6]., Articles with dead external links from March 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Alex and Jo drive to Iowa to locate his mom, only to find that she no longer exhibits schizophrenic behavior and that she has even returned to her old job. Pendant ce temps, April se retrouve face à un patient surprenant, et Jo continue de chercher une solution concernant son ex-mari. Elle l'invite à une soirée jeux pour qu'il rencontre Meredith et Amelia. Police officers continue to treat him like a criminal in the ER, prompting Bailey and Ben to give Tucker "the talk". Jo gets the scariest surprise of her life when she runs into her abusive husband, Paul, on her way to stop Alex from inadvertently killing their patient. Believing that it is his fiancée, Jenny, who ran him over, Jo feels the need to consult her. Owen embrassera Teddy. Saisons également disponibles pour cette saison: Meredith meets Andy Herrera, a firefighter, who has her hand inside the patient, clamping his abdominal aorta. Cristina Yang, George O'Malley, and Izzie Stevens. Seulement, Megan commence à avoir de la fièvre, due à une petite infection. Amazon's Choice met en évidence des produits hautement notés et bon marché prêts à être expédiés immédiatement. Pendant ce temps, Jo est candidate pour des spécialisations à travers tout le pays, ce qui surprend complètement Alex, et Tom Koracick aide April à comprendre sa crise de foi. A house fire brings two young boys, who were rescued by the Seattle Grace fire department—Station 19, to the ER. [34], On October 9, 2017, the new group of interns to join the cast in the fourth episode "Ain't That A Kick In The Head" was announced to include Jeanine Mason (So You Think You Can Dance) as Sam Bello, Alex Blue Davis as Casey Parker, Rushi Kota as Vik Roy, Jaicy Elliot as Taryn Helm, Sophia Ali as Dahlia Qadri, and Jake Borelli as Levi Schmitt. Bailey's patient turns out to be one of her childhood heroes, a female astronaut who is in the process of building a time machine. However, when they confront each other about their difference in opinion, they come up with an idea to save her patient. 4,8 sur 5 étoiles 1 789 évaluations. Le tout pour le tout - (S14E1) - Grey's Anatomy : Le retour d'Irak de Megan, la sœur d'Owen, bouleverse tout le monde, en particulier Riggs et Hunt. Meredith et Jo rencontrent le propriétaire du brevet du polymère dont elles ont besoin pour leur projet, qui est une amie de la famille. After calling it quits with Amelia, Owen reconnects with Teddy, who now lives in Germany. Il semblerait que ces deux-là ont le béguin l'un pour l'autre. April est responsable de la nouvelle compétition d'innovation chirurgicale du Grey Sloan. Rhimes explained she only trusted Vernoff to pursue uncharted territory without her. Richard is surprised to see his AA sponsor, Ollie, arrive at Grey Sloan in an ambulance. The season 14 DVD set does not include any special features. With Stephanie now in Texas at a burn unit, Jo eagerly tries to make Ben her new person. Épisode 14 Bien cacher son jeu. Grey's Anatomy Saison 14 streaming HD Syntaxe pour rechercher des films (des séries) que vous souhaitez regarder dans les moteur de recherche (comme Google, Bing…): " films (séries) + fCine " Exemple: " Grey's Anatomy Saison 14 Épisode 24 fCine " While the staff of the hospital fawns over Dr. Paul Stadler and his legendary work as a surgeon, Jo tries to steer clear of him. Meredith traite un patient qui s'avère être un chirurgien de transplantation dans un autre hôpital. Le lendemain, Paul est admis aux urgences... Grey's Anatomy est une série télévisée médicale américaine, créée par Shonda Rhimes et diffusée depuis le 27 mars 2005 sur le réseau ABC et en simultané sur le réseau CTV au Canada.. La série en est actuellement à sa dix-septième saison. #NeverSayNever", "Grey's Anatomy Web Series Follows Latest Batch of Newbie Doctors: Meet the B-Team", "Alan Ball HBO Series Casts Sosie Bacon, Daniel Zovatto, Raymond Lee & Jerrika Hinton", "Grey's Anatomy: [Spoiler] Poised to Exit", "Grey's Anatomy's Jerrika Hinton Nabs Lead in Shondaland Comedy Pilot", "Grey's Anatomy: Jessica Capshaw Signs Major Contract Extension — Find Out How Long Arizona's Sticking Around", "Grey's Anatomy spoiler! Pendant ce temps, Bailey doit rencontrer Harper Avery, le grand-père de Jackson. Dans cet épisode Teddy va faire son retour, nous apprenons aussi qu’elle est enceinte. Grey's Anatomy - saison 14 - épisode 20 Teaser VO. The Falcon And The Winter Soldier Saison 1 VF. Grey's Anatomy saison 6 episode 14 en streaming - Drame 43 min 2005 C'est la St-Valentin, mais les médecins du Seattle Grace doivent faire face à des dizaines de blessés suite à l'effondrement d'un toit dans un restaurant romantique. April strives to make amends with her colleagues, and Jackson, claiming that she has found Jesus again. Alex and Jo get awkward when, Olivia, the former “Syph nurse,” returns to the hospital with her son—who swallowed a whistle—and begins planting seeds of doubt. The season is produced by ABC Studios, in association with Shondaland Production Company and The Mark Gordon Company. Did You Hear What Happened to Charlotte King? Regarder Grey’s Anatomy saison 14 épisode 23 En Haute Qualité 1080p, 720p. Owen se rend alors compte qu'il se fait plus que de mal que de bien en étant marié à Amelia, et par consentement mutuel, ils décident de divorcer. Grey's Anatomy; Saison 14; Épisode 13; Trouver sa place . La nouvelle série dérivée de Grey's Anatomy (et la deuxième après Private Practice (2007-2013)) sera introduite au cours de cette saison. De son côté, Meredith s'acharne sur Nathan, contre qui elle est en colère, mais n'en sait pas la raison. Le 17 janvier 2018, Ellen Pompeo a signé un contrat pour deux saisons supplémentaires et devient également productrice de la série. Calling off the relationship, Jackson sees his opportunity and makes his move on Maggie. Résumé de la serie Grey’s Anatomy Saison 14 épisode 16 streaming sur Sokroflix: Owen et Amelia halètent après le rapport sexuel dans la salle de garde. When Marie turns down the opportunity to hand over the patent, Meredith resorts to showing her the device has already been implemented and works. As they wait on Meredith to leave for Boston, Maggie bonds with Zola as they rehearse medical knowledge and talk about Derek. The web series was written by Barbara Kaye Friend and directed by series-regular Sarah Drew. Le 27 septembre 2017, la distribution a tourné le 300e épisode de la série. Richard unexpectedly brings Maggie to attend a family dinner hosted by Catherine, which turns awkward when Catherine discloses to Jackson his inheritance from Harper's passing, a quarter billion dollars. VOSTFR 29-09-2017, 16:23. 2 l'image a été trouvée liée à "Grey’s Anatomy Saison 14 VOSTFR" Soumettre. Regarder la série Grey's Anatomy saison 14 en streaming Genre: Séries / Drame / Médical Acteurs: Chandra Wilson , Ellen Pompeo , James Pickens Jr. , Justin Chambers , Kevin McKidd Quant à Owen, il s'envole en Allemagne pour avouer à Teddy son amour, mais tout ne se passe pas comme prévu. Grey's Anatomy Saison 14 VOSTFR streaming. Pendant la présentation de la compétition d'innovation chirurgicale du Grey Sloan, Arizona partage des cookies d'un gentil patient qui, sans qu'elle ne le sache, contiennent un ingrédient très spécial. Le couple que forment Alex et Jo se ressoude peu à peu. Il continuera cependant à apparaître régulièrement dans Grey's Anatomy. Alex, Jo, and Maggie reflect on their first loves as they prepare their teenage patient for heart surgery; however, when a heart transplant becomes available, he denies it until his boyfriend breaks up with him. Alors qu’April quitte l’appartement de Jackson, celui-ci se retrouve attiré presque malgré lui à une autre femme de l’hôpital... Quant à Arizona, après le départ d’Eliza, elle ne tarde pas à retrouver l’amour avec un nouveau médecin, tandis qu’elle apprend que sa fille Sofia veut revenir à Seattle. Mais, il a toujours peur de l'avouer à sa femme. [41], DVD cover art for the fourteenth season of, "ABC Fall Premiere Dates: XL Grey's Return, Scandal's Swan Song and More", "TV shows renewed for 2017–18 and beyond", "Grey's Anatomy TV show on ABC: season 14 renewal", "Grey's Anatomy: Why Shonda Rhimes has taken a hands-off approach", "Grey's Anatomy Martin Henderson exit Riggs", "From 'Grey's Anatomy' to 'Supernatural': TV shows that used song titles for episode names", "NFL adjusts up, scripted shows all unchanged: Thursday final ratings", "Olympics adjust up: Thursday final ratings", "AP Bio' adjusts up, NCAA Tournament adjusts down but ahead of 2017: Thursday final ratings", "Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Admits Greg Germann for Guest-Star Role", "Grey's Anatomy Adds a Controversial New Doctor for Season 14", "Meet Grey's Anatomy's New Season 14 Interns", "Grey's Anatomy Admits Candis Cayne for "Groundbreaking" Season 14 Transgender Storyline",, "Grey's Anatomy Is Welcoming Back Another Familiar Face in Season 14", "Grey's Anatomy': Geena Davis Returns To Reprise Dr. Herman Role", "Why Ellen Pompeo Couldn't Say No to Directing Grey's Anatomy", "Friday afternoon seems as good a time as any to announce this tidbit: I'm returning to #GreysAnatomy for Season 14! Bailey shuts down the innovation contest for fear of word getting out that an Avery funded it, so April volunteers her time to plan Alex and Jo’s wedding. Aujourd'hui, c'était l'opération d'Amelia. Details of her storyline or duration of arc have yet to be released. Manque de bol, alors qu'elle et Catherine s'en vont discuter, Harper Avery meurt d'un AVC. Pendant ce temps, Bailey est forcée de donner au Grey Sloan un sérieux coup de jeune et les docteurs sont présentés à quelques nouveaux visages qui chambouleront l'hôpital. Après un retour surprenant, Nathan reconsidérera son statut à l'hôpital. NEWS - Séries à la TV. Tout sur Grey's Anatomy Saison 14 DVD - Ellen Pompeo - Justin Chambers, DVD Zone 2 et toute l'actualité en Dvd et Blu-ray. Maggie and Jackson learn to move past their quirks and baggage. La saison s'ouvre avec un season premiere de 2 heures[2]. Owen gets called out on his marital status with Amelia, who seems to be avoiding him and his family. Richard reveals to Meredith that Marie and Ellis had a falling out, which leads Meredith to the conclusion that she has been played. La lecture du scénario du premier épisode a eu lieu le 21 juillet 2017, d'après les comptes des acteurs sur les réseaux sociaux. Torrent9 Officiel --> Ctrl + D (Favoris) Adresse de secours : Torrent9 au hasard. Look who else is leaving Grey Sloan", "Grey's Anatomy: Another cast member exits", "NFL times 2 dominates the week 2 broadcast Top 25 and network rankings", "NFL, 'Big Bang Theory' and 'NCIS' lead week 3's broadcast Top 25 and network rankings", "World Series makes FOX No. A son réveil, bien qu'elle ait rencontré quelques problèmes post-opératoires, elle va mieux mais quelque chose lui manque. Grey's Anatomy - Saison 14 VOSTFR. Grey's Anatomy Saison 14 en streaming. L'un des membres du Grey Sloan Memorial est sérieusement blessé, ce qui fait réfléchir l'équipe sur ce qui est vraiment important. Travaillant dans son service, elles s'occupent d'un juge. [50], On January 31, 2018, it was announced that Candis Cayne would be joining the show as Dr. Michelle Velez for a multi-episode arc revolving around a transgender character receiving a ground-breaking surgery. Commentaires (2) Séries Similaires. Amelia, Koracick et DeLuca réalisent une procédure risquée pour opérer la tumeur neurologique d'un jeune patient. Plus d'une semaine après avoir pris connaissance de sa tumeur au cerveau, Amelia choisit comme chirurgien celui qui l'a formée. In a whirlwind of reunions and a Grey Sloan "major uplift", Meredith finds herself in a complicated love triangle between Nathan and Megan, Owen's sister who was recently revealed to still be alive after a ten year absence in a hostage camp overseas. After being "ghosted" by Eliza, Arizona hits it off with an Italian girl in a bar whom she takes home with her. Photos. Her arrival presents an opportunity that changes Arizona’s future plans-the chance to partner with her and create the Robbins-Herman Center for Women’s Health. Lors de la diffusion de la version française de l’épisode, le, À l'origine, le titre de cet épisode était. Get exclusive videos, blogs, photos, cast bios, free episodes [33] After recurring in the previous season as the controversial character, Eliza Minnick, it was announced in August 2017 that Marika Dominczyk would not return to the show. C'est le chaos à Grey Sloan Memorial. [1] Ellen Pompeo announced that she would be directing several episodes in the 14th season. Elle lui vient en aide, et permet à Megan de retrouver son fils, et par la même occasion de baisser sa fièvre. Meredith kills time before her presentation throwing darts with a guy she eventually learns is a surgeon who's there to see her. After Bailey loses her patient, she finds the inspiration needed to name her research project "The Trailblazer", and Jo reignites Meredith’s will to continue on with her project. [1] The season consists of 24 episodes,[2][3] with the season's seventh episode marking the 300th episode for the series overall. Maggie et Jackson sont heureux de passer du temps ensemble, mais il doit se concentrer sur la vaginoplastie révolutionnaire qu'il a prévue avec Catherine et Richard. Alex and Meredith team up to do their best to protect Jo during the process of filing for divorce. Ces changements seront le fruit des rénovations nécessaires à la réouverture de l'hôpital après l'incendie[8]. Dans un flashback en Irak de 2007, les événements qui ont conduit à l'enlèvement de Megan sont révélés. Maggie thinks she detects a subtle rhythm on April’s monitor, but she has to repeatedly shock her to strengthen it. Ils conviennent que cette idée sans engagement est amusante. Amelia and Alex tag team a pediatric case, in order to save their patient's ability to sing, as well as retain all mental capabilities. In their pursuit, they coincidentally learn that Arizona has breast cancer—at least until it was proven that the image produced was a fake. Things take a turn for the worse when the computer system gets hacked at Grey Sloan Memorial, as all of the patients' records get held hostage for $20 million. Cet épisode introduit la nouvelle série dérivée. Without the use of the technological advancements to which the doctors have become accustomed, they must rely on their instincts to treat their patients; Richard teaches his younger colleagues about how they worked in the "Stone Age". However, April awakens fully functional despite the disbelief of all her coworkers. Un agent du Service de l'immigration des États-Unis fouille l'hôpital à la recherche d'un employé qui travaillerait sous le statut DACA. Amelia has her brain tumor removed, but in the days following, she experiences some complications, such as speaking only French, and memory loss. 1: Week 23 broadcast Top 25 and network rankings", "March Madness and '60 Minutes' carry CBS: Week 26 broadcast Top 25 and network rankings", "ABC and CBS share lead in week 28 broadcast Top 25 and network rankings", "NBC and CBS will split season victory: Week 34 broadcast Top 25 and network rankings", "Closing the book on the Super Bowl 'This Is Us': Week 19 broadcast Live +7 ratings", "This Is Us' goes out on top: Week 25 broadcast Live +7 ratings", "Delayed Viewing Ratings: 'Roseanne' Returns on Top", "Live+7 DVR Ratings - 2016/2017 Season *Updated 8th June 2017*", I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watchin' Me, I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked. Megan a une importante blessure à l'abdomen. In preparation to surprise Catherine on her birthday, Richard takes salsa dancing lessons with Maggie, who is struggling with the one year anniversary of her mother's death. Jo en profite pour en apprendre plus sur la possibilité de divorcer de son mari violent. With Paul recovering from surgery, Meredith questions Alex and Jo's alibi. [39] On April 20, 2018, it was released that Geena Davis would return for the episode "Cold as Ice" as Dr. Herman to present a new opportunity for Arizona. Meredith et Jo travaillent sur différents polymères pour essayer de sauver leur participation à la compétition. [45][46] Hinton had previously been in talks of leaving the show at the end of the 12th season when she was cast in the Shondaland comedy pilot Toast, but ABC passed on the project. Les médecins assistent au mariage d'Alex et Jo mais les choses ne se passent pas comme prévu. Jo tries to mend her relationship with Alex. Ils signent les papiers du divorce, et la voilà enfin libre. Regarder la série Grey's Anatomy saison 14 en streaming Genre: Séries / Drame / Médical Acteurs: Chandra Wilson , Ellen Pompeo , James Pickens Jr. , Justin Chambers , Kevin McKidd Love, Victor Saison 1 VF. Alex learns that his bank account balance is awfully high due to his mom not cashing the checks he has been sending her, and Vikram plans to sue the hospital for wrongful termination. When a roller coaster car derails off its tracks, Meredith's plans to attend the Harper Avery award ceremony are put on hold. Elle rend visite à son psy, qui est hospitalisé, et avec qui elle parle longuement pour comprendre. Jo confesses that she hates how much control her ex-husband has over her. Il réussit à la convaincre d'en parler autour de soi, et commence par Webber, qui est déjà passé par là. Livraison gratuite dès 25 € d'achats et retrouvez des milliers de DVD et Blu-ray. [7], The number in the "No. Par un concours de circonstances, Meredith retrouve le célibat. Despite not being showrunner since its eighth season to run Scandal, Rhimes still signed off each episode's storyline, but this season marked a departure from this. Helstrom Saison 1 VF. Meredith Grey, fille d'un chirurgien très réputé, commence son internat de première année en médecine chirurgicale dans un hôpital de Seattle. Les recherches controversées de la sœur d'Andrew amènent à une découverte choquante : Amélia a une tumeur. › Series › Grey's Anatomy - Saison 14 HD 720p French. ... Grey's Anatomy, Saison 17 (VOST) 2020 Le Trône de fer, Saison 1 (VF) 2011 Clem, Saison 10 2020 Les Soprano, Saison 1 (VOST) 1999 Desperate Housewives, Saison 7 2011 Big Little Lies, Saisons 1 à 2 (VF) 2019 Meredith throws in the towel on her research, since she is no longer receiving the patent. Il réussit déjà à déverrouiller la porte de la banque de sang, et finit par reprendre le contrôle sur l'hôpital. Frantically trying to locate her, Owen finds her unconscious in a nearby ravine. [48] On June 20, 2017, it was announced that Kim Raver would reprise her role as Dr. Teddy Altman for a guest-arc. Seulement, elle ne peut s'arrêter de penser à sa fiancée, et lui fait part de son témoignage en secret pour lui proposer son aide. Grey’s Anatomy Saison 14 Episode 13 VF | 1 in week 5's broadcast Top 25 and network rankings", "World Series, 'Big Bang Theory' lead week 6 broadcast Top 25 and network rankings", "NFL and 'This Is Us' carry NBC to victory in week 7 broadcast Top 25 and network rankings", "NFL carries NBC to victory again: Week 8 broadcast Top 25 and network rankings", "FOX dominates, ABC gets a boost in week 17 broadcast Top 25 and network rankings", "Grammys and 'NCIS' carry CBS to victory: Week 18 broadcast Top 25 and network rankings", "Super Bowl LII (obviously) dominates week 19's broadcast Top 25 and network rankings", "Olympics push NBC to No. Votre fornisseur internet et la Hadopi ™ surveillent ce que vous téléchargez! Bailey se rend au Seattle Presbiterian et affirme avoir une crise cardiaque. Pendant ce temps, Meredith et Jo se heurtent à un mur quant à leur participation à la compétition, donc Jo aide Bailey à s'occuper d'un patient en trauma ayant autrefois été astronaute. La famille d'Owen a des doutes sur la sincérité de son mariage avec Amélia. Ben announces that he has quit being a firefighter, but Bailey demands that he go back and never do anything other than what he truly loves. Arizona shares cookies, provided by a grateful patient, with her colleagues; however, she later learns they were laced with. As the interns struggle to find their stride as surgeons, Jo begins her reign as chief resident. When Matthew winds up in the ER after rolling his car and mentions being with April, the doctors fear the worst. 2021. Bailey réussit à le convaincre de garder le financement, mais en échange elle est virée. Love, Victor Saison … L'hôpital embauche des gestionnaires de crise pour aider à mettre au clair les allégations faites à l'encontre d'Harper Avery. "U.S. viewers in millions" refers to the number of Americans in millions who watched the episodes live. Richard and Bailey battle to keep the hospital from being sued by Vikram; although Bailey stands by the initial firing, Richard empathizes as he reflects on the times he operated while inebriated. La crise de la foi d'April est mise au défi par un patient qui est rabbin. Thinking that the end has come, Jackson finally prays to God and begs Him to save her in exchange for his belief. La rédac' en parle. La patiente d'Alex, Kimmie, veut quitter l'hôpital pour profiter de ses derniers jours, mais Alex pense différemment. Il est assez difficile avec l'hôpital et compte retirer son financement qu'il devait pour permettre à l'hôpital de survivre, à cause du fait qu'il y a eu trop de dépenses qui auraient pu être évitées. With her life flashing before her eyes, Bailey reflects on her upbringing and her past as a surgeon with all the stressful fights and struggles she has gone through to get to this point in her life. Parallèlement à cela, on assiste à des flashbacks de l'enfance de Bailey où l'on voit que sa mère la surprotégeait ... Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. With her intuition and the more subtle signs of a heart attack, Bailey winds up in the ER at Seattle Presbyterian; however, after her doctors treat her condescendingly, assuming she is imagining the heart attack and really just suffering from her OCD, she calls on Maggie to come save her. Helstrom Saison 1 VF. Carina, Andrew's sister, asks to be introduced to Bailey in order to get approval to study the controversial topic of female masturbation and orgasms at her hospital; Bailey obliges due to society's double standard. As Maggie's budding romance with Clive gets more serious, Amelia suggests hosting a game night so they can secretly judge him. Jackson begins to worry about April and the fact that the interns have nicknamed her "the Party". INFO: Regarder la série Grey's Anatomy Saison 9 Episode 14 en streaming illimité en VF et VOSTFR.Noté parmi les meilleurs épisodes de la saison 9, ce dernier captive via une réalisation originale et un jeu d'acteurs à très haut niveau. As Owen helps Megan make the trip to California where she will start her new life with Nathan and her son, Farouk, they reminisce on their time spent in, As the new surgeon on the cover page of the medical journal, JSA, Meredith performs a rare surgical procedure to try and save a judge from his progressive cancer diagnosis. Alex requests permission to use medicinal marijuana on his underage patient, but when her grandma learns of his treatment plan, she temporarily fires him. Grey's Anatomy ( coeur ouvert) - Saison 14 de SHONDA RHIMES. La serie Grey’s Anatomy Saison 14 épisode 16 streaming sur Sokroflix. Un jeune garçon est admis au Grey Sloan et son cas touche profondément les médecins. April's patient turns out to be the pregnant wife of her ex-fiancé, Matthew, proving to be more than an awkward situation, as she helps deliver their baby, and then watches him deal with his wife's unexpected death. Rhimes left ABC to produce television for Netflix, and now has a hands-off approach to the show. She later takes part in Carina's study which leads to her finding a huge tumor in her own brain. As April treats the rabbi, he gives her a lesson on faith which allows her to reflect on her recent struggles.
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