Crocodiles are large semi-aquatic reptiles that live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the America and Australia. One of the defining characteristics that helps you distinguish a crocodile from an alligator is a crocodile ‘s toothy grin, which shows off both the top and bottom teeth. Ayez toujours une bonne brosse à dents sur vous. It’s speculated that the difference in snout shape is … Alligator Crocodile; Un alligator (à gauche) avec un museau arrondi en forme de U et un crocodile (à droite) avec un museau en forme de V . Have you ever wondered what the differences are between alligators and crocodiles? Comment faire la différence entre un crocodile et un alligator. Both alligators and crocodiles can lay dozens of eggs at a time, with the former averaging 20-50 eggs per batch and the latter averaging 10-60 eggs per batch. Les alligators (Alligator) forment un genre de crocodiliens de la famille des Alligatoridés. The smallest species (dwarf crocodile) can measure about 6 feet in length and weigh around 13 to 15 pounds, whereas the largest species (saltwater crocodile) can measure more than 20 feet in length and weigh close to 2,000 pounds! De son côté, le caïman est localisé dans les eaux douces d’Amérique centrale et d’Amérique du Sud. As for alligators, Chinese alligators are critically endangered; you’re more likely to see one in the zoo than in the wild, where reportedly fewer than 130 of them are left. Caiman vs Alligator vs Crocodile. SAT® is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination BoardTM. La gueule de l'alligator est plus large et sa partie inférieure a une forme en U, par contre, le museau du crocodile est plus mince et sa partie inférieure a une forme de V.. Il existe aussi une importante différence dans les dents et la structure de la mâchoire. Alligators and crocodiles share plenty of similarities, but there are actually key differences between them. Féroces et redoutables, ils ont la réputation collective d’être parmi les prédateurs naturels les plus féroces du monde. What SAT Target Score Should You Be Aiming For? Have you ever wondered what the differences are between alligators and crocodiles? Taking AP Biology? When alligators have algae growth on their skin, they will appear more greenish. Check out our top-rated graduate blogs here: © PrepScholar 2013-2018. They're also defined by their jaws, which have incredibly powerful muscles for closing and weak muscles for opening. Ask questions; get answers. The snout is the biggest difference with the crocodile and the alligator. Attention, à ne pas confondre caïmans crocodiles et alligators. The question about crocodiles and their types arise very often. Crocodiles have a lifespan ranging from 70 to 100 years; however, their size can vary due to the number of species there are. Une longue queue, d’épaisses écailles, une morphologie adaptée à la vie aquatique, la ressemblance entre les crocodiles, les caïmans et les alligators est assez marquée. Crocodiles are considered the most social species of reptiles. In this article, we’ll explain the main difference between alligator and crocodile species, as well as where you can find them, what they eat, and their relationship with humans. Natural Habitat. Eusuchians appeared on the scene during the late Cretaceous some 100 million or so years ago. L’une des différences les plus évidentes entre les alligators et les crocodiles est la forme du museau. Despite this proclivity for fun, crocodiles are still aggressive animals (particularly when it comes to their territory or children) and will attack and kill humans if provoked or threatened. Crocodiles et alligators sont deux familles de crocodiliens. One of the most obvious differences between alligators and crocodiles is the shape of the snout. Toothy grin: When their snouts are shut, crocodiles look like they're flashing a toothy grin, as the fourth tooth on each side of the lower jaw sticks up over the upper lip. Alligators are known to have darker hides than crocodiles, often appearing black or dark gray in color. These tunnels help protect them from extreme temperatures (hot and cold). N’oubliez pas votre brosse à dents. Les crocodiles possèdent des écailles brunes ou vert olive alors que les alligators ont une peau grise et noire. So how can you tell the difference between alligator and crocodile species? Meanwhile, because of their saltwater environment, crocodiles tend to eat frogs, birds, fish, crustaceans (crab), and large mammals (wildebeest and zebras). Alligators tend to be darker in color than crocodiles; alligators are dark blackish-grey, whereas crocodiles are light tan or olive color. They are members of the order Crocodilia, which also includes Caimans, Gharials and alligator. Chinese alligators are also usually shorter than their American counterparts; they’ve been measured at 4.5 to 5 feet, whereas American alligators can range from 10 to 15 feet in length. Watch out for that alligator! There are many dissimilarities among these two animals, and they will be discussed in detail to give a general idea of how they are separated from each other. Alligators (and caimans) have a wide "U"-shaped, rounded snout (like a shovel), whereas crocodiles tend to have longer and more pointed "V"-shaped noses. The 5 Strategies You Must Be Using to Improve 4+ ACT Points, How to Get a Perfect 36 ACT, by a Perfect Scorer. The alligator’s snout is shaped this way, perhaps due to the nature of its diet. Snout Shape: Alligators have a wide, rounded, u-shaped snout, while crocodiles have long, pointed, v-shaped snouts. Chez le crocodile, la 4ème dent de la mâchoire inférieure dépasse quand leur gueule est fermée. Mais la principale différence est leur répartition géographique. Ask below and we'll reply! Although smaller in size, a crocodile is perceived to be more aggressive than your average alligator. They are … Alligators eat everything from birds and fish to other reptiles, small mammals, and even fruit. The crocodile has a V-shaped snout and is also longer and narrower, while the alligator has a U shaped snout, and it is also wider and blunt. La gueule de l’alligator et du caïman est plus large formant un U, contrairement au crocodile qui possède un museau plus mince en forme de V. La mâchoire du gavial, elle, est très allongée et fine. Crocodiles hunt larger prey, such as sharks and large mammals such as buffaloes, apes, and even humans. A group of alligators is called a congregation, which tends to be made up of smaller alligators rather than larger ones who are more territorial and solitary. While alligators appear dark in complexion, crocodiles are usually a lighter brown, green, or gray. Both alligators and crocodiles are members of the reptilian order Crocodylia. These animals are semiaquatic (able to live on both land and water) and are known to be excellent stealth hunters with keen vision and powerful jaws. Quelle est la différence entre Alligator et Crocodile? ), which determines who gets the best spot for soaking up the sun (i.e., a "basking site") to help regulate their body temperature and who gets priority eating in large group feedings. Les caïmans et les alligators ont un museau plus court et plus large que les crocodiles. Keep reading to become an expert on alligator vs crocodile similarities and differences! The reason for these differences is found in their chosen habitat. Check out our article on camel spider myths and the truth behind them. Alligators can live anywhere from 30 to 50 years in the wild, although some in captivity have been estimated to live upwards of 70 years. An alligator’s upper jaw is wider than its lower jaw, meaning that teeth on its lower jaw are almost completely hidden when its mouth is closed. La famille des alligators comprennent caïmans, alligators et les deux espèces. L’une des questions que l’on se pose fréquemment est : “Quelle est la différence entre un crocodile et un alligator?” Nous pourrions rajouter: quelle est la différence entre ces animaux et le gavial, ou encore le caïman?. They’ve been around for about 200 million years—even outliving the dinosaurs! Different families: There are three groups (families) of crocodilians: the alligatoridae, which includes the alligator and the caimans; the crocodylidae, which includes the "true" crocodiles; and the gavialidae, which contains only the gharial.So, the first difference is that alligators and crocodiles are actually in different families. Or is it a crocodile? Nous savons donc que les deux animaux n’ont pas la même couleur, mais ce n’est pas tout. De loin, il n’est pas trop difficile de faire la différence entre un alligator et un crocodile, simplement en regardant la forme du museau et la visibilité des dents. In the case of alligators, the lower teeth are typically not visible when the mouth is shut. Le caïman, l’alligator et le crocodile appartiennent tous trois à l’ordre des crocodiliens, mais la première différence apparaît au niveau des familles : les alligators et les caïmans sont des Alligatoridés, tandis que les crocodiles sont de la famille des Crocodylidae. One notable difference is located on the hind legs of both crocodiles and alligators. Une différence de taille existe également entre ces espèces. There are many differences between alligators and crocodiles, but these two reptiles also have a lot in common.Imagine this, you are canoeing on a river during a … ), A Chinese alligator (Daiju Azuma/Wikimedia Commons). Caiman vs Alligator vs Crocodile. Another difference is the shape of the teeth itself, where crocodiles have pointy teeth, alligators’ teeth are rounder. Live Science is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. This makes crocodiles more dangerous than alligators. Coming face to face with a crocodile or an alligator, you'd see a mouth full of serrated teeth that would likely scare the bejeezus out of you. Les caïmans comme les alligators, font partis de la famille des Alligatoridés. Voici ce que nous en pensons : 1. Crocodiles are highly carnivorous and formidable predators at the top of the food chain in their natural environments. Mais la principale différence est leur répartition géographique. One of the main differences between alligators and crocodiles is their color. Alligators and crocodiles look similar. Alligators are also known to dig "gator holes" in the dirt or mud when the weather gets to be too much. Alligators have a wide, rounded, "U"-shaped snouts with larger noses, whereas crocodiles have longer, thinner, pointed "V"-shaped snouts and smaller noses. This is because an alligator’s upper jaw has small sockets on the inside that the teeth slot into when its mouth is closed. They also differ in their colors; crocodiles are blackish gray in color while alligators are brownish in color. Les caïmans ne vivent qu’en Amérique du Sud, même si certains ont été introduits en Amérique du Nord. Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offer, (Image credit: National Park Service photos by Rodney Cammauf. The main factor that distinguishes crocodiles from alligators is Here's the full list of alligator vs crocodile species: All crocodilians have roughly the same physiology: a lizard-like body and a tough, scaly skin, with an elongated snout and tails (flattened sideways). If you are in the United States, you will not see a crocodile unless you are at the southern tip of Florida. Par conséquent, ce groupe est considéré comme l'un des plus anciens groupes ayant vécu sur terre; ils sont connus comme «fossiles vivants. Among the crocodiles considered critically endangered are the Cuban, Orinoco, and Philippine. Alligators are more hostile as compared to crocodiles, which is against the usual Bats who dip their bellies in rivers to collect water make excellent prey for hungry crocodiles! It is an important topic which you may even want to include in your lesson plan, if your students are interested in this topic.. 15 September 2012. In addition, certain species are facing extinction due to being hunted by humans for their skin, the loss of their habitats, and contamination of their food from pesticides. Although alligators and crocodiles belong to the same group of reptiles, the only place where they coexist is south Florida. More details will be broadly discussed in this article. Climate change threatens the freshwater habitats of alligators, as the rise in sea levels could inundate freshwater sources with saltwater. By 10 Differences between Crocodile and Alligator (Crocodile vs Alligator) The crocodilians includes Crocodiles, Alligators, Gavials, Caimans. Snout shape: Alligators have wider, U-shaped snouts, while crocodile front ends are more pointed and V-shaped. Those differences are enough to put them all into different families when it comes to the scientific categorization. Now that you're an expert on alligator–crocodile differences, it's time to learn even more about the animal kingdom. L’alligator n’est ni un crocodile, ni un caïman ! Caïman vs Alligator vs Crocodile; Les caïmans, les alligators et les crocodiles sont parmi les plus grands reptiles vivants au monde. De loin, il n’est pas trop difficile de faire la différence entre un alligator et un crocodile, simplement en regardant la forme du museau et la visibilité des dents. All rights reserved. Crocodiles are often mistaken for alligators and caimans. Believe it or not, the difference in shape means that alligators can exert more strength from their mouths, which is useful in cracking open hard-shelled vertebrates, like turtles. Alligator – Facts, Characteristics, and Behavior. Then read our expert guide to the AP Biology test for tips to help you ace the exam. Check out our chart below for a quick recap on alligator–crocodile differences and similarities. Les crocodiles, les alligators et les caïmans ne vivent pas dans les mêmes régions du monde. Mais avant de parler de la psychologie de ces charmants animaux (vous pouvez lire tout cela dans un autre article), continuons à être superficiels et à nous intéresser à leur apparence. In fact, the only continents that don't have crocodiles are Antarctica and Europe. 1. Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, Gray or black? There was a problem.
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